Saturday 28 May 2011

Why I Relay ~ Pink Basevi-Charlesworth

Why I relay, and why I push you, my friends to help out...

In 2005 I was first diagnosed with cancer. As a retired RN, I knew it wasn't something to put off 'till tomorrow', but as a woman, I was beyond terrified and shook to the core. How could this happen to me? Family history, genetics, environment, stress; the... list of possible causes is endless. Either way, it was now in the driver's seat and I don't like anyone taking the wheel from me mid journey!

After chemo and radiation treatments, the loss of my hair, the loss of some dignity, the loss of people I thought were friends for life, the feelings of loss of control over my life and my body... I started to realize with the help of another survivor (Pat), I have gained so much! I found a deeper sense of being as my hair fell out. I found beauty really isnt just skin deep, its heart-deep. I found that with the feeling of evasiveness as chemo and radiation tore my body apart, I had a dignity that came up and held my head up for me.

Yes I have cancer, but I AM STILL HERE! With the loss of those that feared cancer more than they could love me, I found those left still at my side were the 'true' friends for life I had sought. Where I thought I had lost control over my life and body, I found a deeper sense of peace and calm where assumed control only hindered.

I am a Survivor, I am BEAUTIFUL, I am at PEACE with myself, I am NOT ALONE, and I am Strong! I AM A SURVIVOR.

Please donate to the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life. Help those in your lives find their strength, and help find the cure.

To donate to Harmony of Hope in Second Life:

Follow Team Harmony of Hope at:,

To donate in Real Life:

Thank You.

Pink Basevi-Charlesworth


Pink said...

A birthday invitation. :) At Relay For Life 2011

Jennifer Curtau said...

Thank you Nancy for making that amazing testimonial video and sharing it. I watched it several times and you are right. Relay For Life is not just about collecting donations, it is a celebration of life. I wish you many more birthdays for your newly defined re-birth day.

We hugging you warmly in your celebration of HOPE.
